Saturday, January 2, 2016

Just dropping this by...

My mom and I went back on the ketogenic diet sometime in mid-October.  Mom has done really well.  I have not.  However, now that the holidays are over, and everyone around me is pumped up for their healthy resolutions for 2016, I'm ready to keto harder than ever before.  Let the shrinking begin!

Because I know keto isn't always the easiest to follow, I like coming up with new recipes to allow me to enjoy my favorites without adding all the carbs/sugars.  Since I tend to just throw a bunch of stuff in a bowl and call it good, I figured I should start writing things down so I can recreate some of the yummies and share with others.  I made one of these favorites for New Year's Eve, and had several people ask for a recipe.  So here goes!

Eggplant Lasagna
Makes about 12 servings

- 1 Large Eggplant
- 1 15 oz tub of full fat (or whole milk) ricotta cheese (I use whole milk Sargento)
- 2 large eggs
- 2 8oz bags of shredded cheese - I like to use one bag of HyVee pizza mix and one bag of regular mozzarella
- 24oz can of tomato sauce - it can be difficult to find a sauce with no sugar and few carbs.  Let me know what you use!  I'd love to try something new!
- 2 pounds Italian sausage (watch labels for sugar, though!)
- Olive oil to grease pan
- Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees
2. Grease a 9x13 pan with olive oil (or other oil of your choice)
3. Cook ground sausage until done.  You can make it really chunky if you want, but I like to chop it down as I think the texture meshes better that way.
4. Add your can of tomato sauce and stir together
5. In a separate bowl, mix together the ricotta, one bag of cheese (I usually add the pizza cheese to this part), and eggs.  
6. Start layering!  I start with a layer of eggplant, then sauce, then cheese mix.  Do these until your pan is full.  
7. Top with remaining bag of mozzarella
8. Pop in the oven and let cook until done.  Usually about 30 minutes.  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

God Provides

**Disclaimer:  While this is incredibly uncomfortable for me, I believe I need to post an honest blog about where I've been, some of my recent struggles, and how God is shaping me through it all.  I pray my journey will inspire others to find their source of strength and empowerment through God, and together we can find freedom, confidence, and joy in His mighty name.

I have disease called hypothyroidism.  Many people suffer from it and while it’s one of the most manageable diseases one could have (really, if you have to choose something to ail your body, this is the one to choose), it also causes your entire body to work against you.  I am constantly fighting to maintain control of my metabolism, splintering through constant fatigue, and always watching for symptoms in case my body decides to reject medication (which happens often).  It is beyond frustrating.

When I started my new job in September, I was equally excited and terrified.  I didn’t fear normal things, such as whether or not I would fit in, be good at the job, like the work, etc.  No, I feared how my body would react to my new life sitting at a desk.  All.  Day.  Long.  The last desk job I had found me 30 pounds heavier in a matter of 3 months.  Granted, I didn’t fight back, but I hadn’t changed any of my prior-desk-job habits, either.  My metabolism is just that poor.  This time around, though, I would also be a full-time college student, literally putting me at a desk all day.  I would go to work at 7:30 in the morning, get off at 4:00 in the afternoon, and sit in class from 5:30 to 9:30 (sometimes longer) in the evening.  I knew I would never move.

It took me years to regain my health last time, and I never did lose all the weight I had gained.  I knew I would have to make a special effort to keep this from happening again.  I made promises to myself.  I promised I would get up at the butt crack of dawn to work out every day and follow the Ketogenic diet like it was some sort of cultish religion.  I would avoid sugar like the devil it is, and I would make a point to fight the fatigue of the day when I got home, no matter how rough the day was, and I would force myself to be active.  Of course, this only lasted about a month.  If that, even.  You see I have this thing where I sabotage myself when I make a teensy little mistake.  If I fell victim to one of my ravenous chocolate cravings, I would punish myself by eating an entire pizza or a bag of candy, because I was a worthless failure who deserved to feel sick.  Of course, I don’t actually want to believe that, but during some of my prayers and reflections recently, I found this to be very, very true of myself.

In a matter of 4 months, I gained almost 30 pounds, putting me at a weight I have never seen in my life.  I hate myself for it.  I jumped from a size 9/10 pants being too big to a size 16 being too tight.  I have never seen a size 16 until now.  It’s sickening, really, how something like this can control so much of myself.  It takes my joy, my confidence, and my ability to see myself as anything worthy.  My mind is consumed with food – trying to make healthy choices and getting discouraged (and then gorging myself) when those choices don’t work for me. 

The breaking point for me was about a week ago when I made the decision to be consistent with my journey back to health.  I worked out every day and was incredibly strict with my diet.  At the end of the week I stepped on the scale and found I had gained 7 pounds.  That sucks.  So I responded by sending pathetic, pity-me texts to my mom and best friend, and then stuffed my face full of chocolate and donuts.

My friend didn’t respond with pity, though.  She responded with encouragement, empowerment, and wisdom.  She told me she had been praying for me – praying for my freedom from things holding me back.  She told me to claim it and fight back.  She promised to continue praying for me, and she truly believes I will overcome. 

That’s where it hit. 

God is far bigger and far more merciful than my illnesses.  He created my body and despite my hypothyroidism making things difficult and my emotional eating disorder ruling my life, He equipped me to be far greater.  GOD equipped ME to be greater.  The scriptures are full of examples of how God provides for his people.  He gives strength to those who are weak, and empowers His beloved to succeed.  He doesn’t want me to struggle through this!  I am worthy in His eyes to be something more, to have joy and confidence, and to bring glory to His name. 

In my God-time this morning, I realized I have been like those pesky teens that always drove me crazy when I was younger.  They always wanted to pour out their problems, but they never really wanted help.  They just wanted a pity party – one I refused to give.  I would cry out to God in my despair, tell Him all my feels, and then refuse the resources He provided to get me through it.  Deep down, I’m not sure I really wanted His provisions.  I think I just wanted Him to wave a hand over me and make me better with little effort of my own.  I wanted the pity party, but I didn’t actually want to work for change.

I literally laughed out loud at myself this morning. 

God has provided me with so much – access to good, healthy, life-giving food, knowledge, and the ability to get moving and have fun while exercising.  But most of all, He is the source of my strength and confidence.  I can lean on Him during my rough patches, and avoid sabotaging myself by being filled with His presence instead.  I just haven’t claimed this yet.  He will get me through this; but I have to do my part as well.

God is good, all the time.  Always faithful.  Always there. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Someone came into my work a couple of weeks ago with one motive.  She had no business to do, no questions to ask, or problems to fix.  Instead she wanted to spread warmth, joy, and happy things to everyone she could find.  She sat at my station, holding my hand, and expressing over and over again how special, important, beautiful, and desired by God I am.  She went on for roughly 20 minutes at my window alone, and EVERYONE within sight in the building received the same message.    

It was weird, annoying, and beautiful all at the same time.  She kept proclaiming what she believed to be God's call on her life: to ensure everyone she came in contact with understood how loved and special they truly are.  After she left, we all had a good laugh; however I could tell everyone had been touched by her words, even if they were too embarrassed to admit that what she did was a good thing.

It made me think.  I have always felt God's call on my life is to show people true, unconditional love. I fail at this miserably, and the only reason I can figure is that I am afraid.  I'm afraid to be that weird, annoying lady who walks into a building and tells everyone they're special.  Silly, right?

I think so.

Of course, there's this thing called tact; but I know there have been times I've felt that nudge to talk to someone, tell them they're beautiful, special, and loved - but I don't.  I am afraid.  "What will they think?  Will they consider me another weirdo with nothing better to do than annoy the crap out of people?"  Probably.  But that should't be an excuse.

Love deeply, my friends.  You never know what God is going to make out of the few moments you may have with a stranger.  This lady made a lasting impression on me, and I am thankful.

A brief hiatus and zero regrets!

Wow. The last two months have been a whirlwind of weddings, birthdays, baby showers, family reunions, and other social events! Anyone on a strict diet understands just how difficult it is to stick with it during social events! Lets just say I slipped a bit. Or a lot. Whatever. 

Back in the day I would punish myself when I failed my diet. I would beat myself up emotionally and deprive myself of anything enjoyable until I was 100% back on the bandwagon. However, this never ended positively. I would accept I was a failure at life who deserved to be fat and miserable forever, and then I would resort to eating bowls of cookie dough while watching Bridget Jones' Diary on repeat for days on end. 

Not anymore. I told myself when I started this Ketogenic lifestyle that I was NOT going to let myself become so self focused that I would let the "diet" rule my life. Of course, I have to be focused when making healthy decisions, and it is a big part of my life; but I will not let a "slip" become a "failure", if you know what I mean. I have not been focused on my diet these last couple of months, and that's okay! All I have to do is start again, which I'm excited to do! 

It really is a freeing feeling when the pressure of a diet no longer rules your life! Now that things have slowed down, I'm ready to jump back into my healthy keto lifestyle. I've learned from the last couple of months, and I refuse to regret them. 

Until next time!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Dog Lady

We've all heard of the crazy cat ladies!  Well, I am the crazy dog lady.  Look out!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Future Relationships?

Today's thoughts as I avoid my business law studies:

From now on, all future potential significant others will be required to take "How to Treat a Woman" lessons from my youngest brother.  My reasoning?  Because my 17 year old brother has a better understanding of how a woman needs to be treated than any of the men I have EVER attracted.

No more believing I am not enough, or feeling like I'm too much.  I won't be treated like an object, nor will I feel like something that should be shoved in closet until life is at its upmost convenience.  

Whew.  Back to the books.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


It was an exciting day at my house.  Not only did my dog-child find something gloriously dead, she also rolled in said dead thing, giving me no choice but to turn in my brownie points and endure stink eyes and silent treatments for the remainder of the afternoon. 

Enjoy :)

Bath Time?  We're not friends anymore.

I seriously hate you right now.

Remember:  Payback's a b****.

I will cut you.